Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blogger used blog as a motivator to loose weight

Well here goes!  I just saw a headline about a gal who lost 112 lbs by blogging about it and using the blog as her motivation.  This seems utterly simple in concept and very possible in my life.

Last week I didn't make any bread.  That was good, but then I found ways to get around the loss of bread by making things like fat free pancakes.  They were so disgusting, I ended feeding them to the compost pile.

Lucky for me the garden is starting to put out a few items and I will be able to augment my diet with freshly picked vegetables and some berries from the property.

I ate my first cucumber yesterday from this year's garden.  This morning I picked some large heads of broccoli.  I am having Broccoli for lunch.  Meanwhile, this morning I have been soaking my flax seeds for crackers to be made in the dehydrator.  I soaked some almonds last night.  I put them in the food processor and ground them up.  Then I added the almonds to the soaked flax seeds with some sunflower seeds.  After a few hours they were ready to flavor.  I decided an organic cocoa powder and agave syrup for sweetner would be good.  I also added raisins to the mix and they will add some sweetness too.
I spooned the glop onto the dehydrator teflex sheets and found I had made more than I had bargained for.  I laid out some wax paper on the racks and finished the job of making little crackers.  I will turn it on and tomorrow around this time they should either be done, or ready to turn over and finish off.  Sometimes the moisture content can not be estimated and I just dehydrate until they are ready.

Now for some work around the house for some badly needed exercise.  The vacuum  is my playmate for the next few hours.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Last week a friend had mentioned how much wildlife I witness over in my neck of the woods vs. his in Holderness.  The very next day was the day the fawn with the broken leg walked around the yard bleating for it's mother.  I tried to rescue it, tried to get someone to come and get it.  I had a makeshift fence around it, it drank water and chewed on some clover.  Then in a flurry of unforeseen energy, knocked down the fencing and pranced away.

Next day, a young buck was in the woods behind the Noon's house.  He had furry protrusions on his forehead.

Yesterday there was a mink running around the property I was working at on the big lake.  So cute and mischievous.

My kayak group was hosted by myself and Donna C. at the local beach.  When we arrived there was a pair of loons right inside the swimming area feeding.  On our trip we saw more loons, a handful of breasted cormorants, a Great Blue Heron, many red winged black birds and a hawk with prey in it's claws.  It was a pretty good day for wildlife sightings on the water.

My neighbors are entertained by the busy muskrat family that lives under the big tree on the shore.

My bird feeder is emptied by the chipmunks and the red squirrels on a regular basis.

Today a deer was in the yard.  It was munching the day lilies in the back and then moved to the front yard, got spooked and took some big leaps and bounds across the street and into the next yard.

This year's porcupine has not returned to visit me and I have not seen any fox in a few months.  I must keep my eyes open and be quiet so that my little friends are not startled by me.